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Rating: 5 Moderate
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-6 players
Playing time: 15 minutes

Created by: Garrett J. Donner, Brian S. Spence, Michael S. Steer, Paul Sharp

Published by: Gamewright


Old King Toad is a hungry old soul! In this tongue-twisting card game, add bugs to the king's feast by playing cards in numerical order. If you don't have the next card in sequence, catch one just like King Toad!

Say "Ribbit" and then stick out your tongue from one to four times to signal the card you want played. The first player out of cards gets to be King Toad for a day!

For ages 5 and up. Comes with 60 cards and 12 tokens. Rules are in English and Spanish.

Retail Price:$0
Boardgames Australia Awards Best Children's Game Nominee 2009

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