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Rating: 7.8 Very Good
Players: 1-2 players
Playing time: 30 minutes

Created by: Shadi Torbey, Élise Plessis

Published by: Filosofia Éditions, Z-Man Games


The mad Fire Elemental lord is out to burn down the dream forest. Attacking in waves using Fire Elementals, your only defense are trees and fountains and those animals brave enough to offer aid before scurrying away to safety.

Using a unique drafting system and combining it with a tower defense game, will you be able to keep your forest green?

Sylvion is a tower-defense type game in which attacks come down four rows and in waves. You build a deck using a unique drafting process and play cards from your hand by paying with other cards in your hand.

You can play cards to the rows like fountains and trees or play animals for instant effects or to manipulate the enemy decks of cards. When all the waves have finished, you must have kept the heart of the Sylvion verdant, or else the whole forest of the Oniverse will be destroyed.

This game can be played in an introductory style, advanced mode, and includes two expansions and an appendix for further challenges and complexity.

Retail Price:$22
Sylvion: Below Ground
Golden Geek Best Solo Board Game Nominee 2015

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